Sunday, August 29, 2010

Snack for the Movies

Paleo + Movies with snacks, uh, ain't gonna happen right? Wrong! Here's what to do: grab a handful of various nuts you have laying around (I know you have them laying around because you gotta make all that good Paleo shit you eat) and toss them into a zipper bag. Add a few, I mean a few, not loads, pieces of dried fruit - whatever you like. I added a few raisins and dried cranberries (store bought, whatever!). Then add a 1/2 scoop of ground flax and some chunks of super dark (75-85% cacao) dark chocolate. This snack is both satisfying and filling. I ended up bringing home 2/3 of what I packed because I satisfied my sweet movie tooth and was full on snacks.

This is way better than a handful of popcorn, candy corn, twizzlers (although they are so good), and even jelly beans!

Enjoy! And Enjoy the movie!

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